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Apply Here!

Eligibility Requirements:


  • Lessons must be with a currently certified ISR instructor

  • Child must be eligible to participate in ISR lessons

  • Assistance given based on financial need

  • Must consistently attend lessons throughout full session

  • Submit the following:

    • Two Current Pay Stubs (both yours and your spouse if applicable)​

    • Most recent Tax Returns

    • Driver's License

    • If Applicable, Proof Of: why you did not file taxes, unemployment benefits, Child support statement, social security/disability statements

Parent/Legal Guardian Information:

Upload Driver's License

Spouse Name (if applicable):

Income Verification

Please verify that even with rearranging your finances to prioritize lessons, it would be a financial hardship to pay for the lessons. The intention for this scholarship is to provide financial help for families truly in need. If you are able to reprioritize your finances in order to pay for lessons, we ask that you do not apply. We advocate that since drowning is the #1 cause of death for healthy children ages 1-4, prioritizing their safety in the water should be of the utmost importance. Falsifying the information on your application could result in reversal of funding at any time and at Swim For Vinny's discretion.  

Please upload your last 2 Pay Stubs:

Upload Pay Stub 1
Upload Pay Stub 2

Please upload your Spouse/Partner's last 2 Pay Stubs:

Upload Pay Stub 1
Upload Pay Stub 2

Please upload your most recent Tax Returns for you and your spouse/partner if applicable

Please block out SSN for your protection.

Upload Tax Returns

If you did not file taxes last year, please sign below indicating your income level was below the amount necessary to file taxes:

Child Receiving Lessons Information:

ISR Instructor Information

If No, please reach out to your local ISR instructor to understand when you can get your child in for lessons. You can find your nearest instructor at:

Please explain why you are looking for assistance:

Name/Photo Release:


, the parent or legal guardian of 

if chosen, authorize Swim For Vinny, Inc. to use any media collected including but not limited to, photos, videos, and audiotapes for educational purposes including but not limited to publicity, copyright purposes, illustration, advertising, web content, presentations, publications, and social media posts as it relates to advocating for water safety through the Swim For Vinny, Inc. organization, at Swim For Vinny, Inc.'s sole discretion and for no compensation to me.

Thanks for submitting!

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